Thursday, January 24, 2013

Caleb is 8 Weeks!

Today Caleb turned 8 weeks old.  By God's grace, the transition to a family of four has come naturally and easily for all four of us.  Caleb has been a very happy, smiley, sweet baby.  I will let the pictures speak for themselves.

Caleb at 2 Weeks Old:

3 Weeks Old:

No words.  Just precious...

This was Caleb's first outing other than attending dr. appts.!  He somehow managed to sleep through his brother yelling, "pweeeeese, meh-meh?" (read: Please, banana!) throughout the entire trip.  

One of my very favorite outfits that both boys have now worn.  Caleb fit in this outfit for about a week!

4  Weeks Old:

Here is Caleb on Christmas morning!  We had a fun, relaxing day at home in Louisville.

Some of our boys' favorite friends joined us for Christmas dinner!

Boys picture!

This is Luke's personality in a nutshell.

Here is how Caleb spent his first New Year's Eve!

5 Weeks Old:

This pic was taken the morning after Caleb slept through the night for the first time.  I am very, very grateful for 2 boys who sleep well.  

A frequent sleep pose.

6 Weeks Old:

In case it isn't obvious, Caleb is not underweight. 

Uncle Van, Uncle Adam, Luke, and Caleb have all worn this exact outfit!  And thank you, Uncle Adam, for this pacifier!

Somebody else enjoyed this "stachifier" just as much! 

7 Weeks Old:

"Sup, dawg?"

8 Weeks Old:

Taken this morning!

We love you, little Caleb!  You are a blessing to our family!