Thursday, June 2, 2011

"Until Death Do Us Part"

Tonight started out as a relatively pleasant evening: Paul came home from work to eat dinner before he had to return to the hospital to work on some research.  As we cooked together and talked about our day, we were suddenly interrupted by our crazy little "Casper Dog" screaming a horrified bark that neither of us had previously heard him make; he was obviously hurt.  Both of us hurried to the window where we saw him helplessly and fearfully hanging by his collar on our picket fence.  We quickly realized what had happened:  discontent with the presence of a next door neighbor's cat, Casper jumped against the picket fence in an attempt to approach this cat.  And in the process, his collar became caught on one of the fence posts, leaving him wiggling with terror as he hung in a strangle. 

Assuming that at best, our dog's neck was broken, I was paralyzed by fear and was too afraid to approach the dog. Therefore, my reaction was, "Paul, go do something!"  And with obvious concern, Paul courageously faced any understandable fear and took control of the situation and managed to still Casper's frenzied countenance long enough to release him from his collar.  Grateful at the sight of his wagging tail, we consoled the dog until he caught his breath, and we sat down at the dinner table to catch our own breaths!  And as we ate together and wound down from this short lived adrenaline rush, I thought to myself, "I'm married to a hero." 

Yes, it's just a dog.  And yes, given his career choice, Paul regularly handles more important pressure than the incident of a strangling dog.  But his willingness to take charge- to prevent as much drama as possible in a frightening situation (though I wasn't helping him with that!)- and to step up and be a man and do what needed to be done impressed me.  And I believe that this seemingly meaningless incident was a providential event used to remind me of how blessed I am to be married to Paul Tennant. 

So to the wonderful man who may only check his Facebook once a year but faithfully reads the scattered trains of thought on this blog...

to the husband who maintains a lighthearted baseline at home but is always willing to listen to your wife...

to the most handsome man on the planet...

to the most giving man I know...

to the husband who exemplifies repentance and a willingness to apologize...

to the future daddy who already regularly tells your son how much you love him and who desires to bring  our child (okay, Paul, I'll say it- or possible children!!) home from across the world...

to the husband whose desire is that we love Jesus more...

and to the man who is so humble that he's undoubtedly embarrassed to have a blog post dedicated to him...

I love you, Paul Tennant.  God has granted us a four-year journey during which He has pruned us, tested us, softened us, and increased our for love Him and for each other. I'd take the journey of sanctification with you over simple marital "bliss" any day.  I look forward to expanding our family with you, to rearing children with you, and to,  Lord-willing, growing old with you.  Happy 4 Year Anniversary!

(Our first date at Cadduceus Ball in 2006.  Little did we know then how significant this night would be!)


  1. Happy Anniversary to one of our very favorite couples! We love y'all and are so blessed by your friendship!!!!!

  2. I love this!!! Happy Anniversary!

  3. glory, glory, glory halleujah!!!!

  4. So sweet!! Congrats on 4 years!
