Saturday, April 28, 2012

Sightseeing in San Diego

Last week our family traveled to San Diego, CA for a few days, where Paul presented research at the Otolaryngology Spring Meetings.  He enjoyed the academic experience, and we enjoyed quality family time as well as a nice visit with our dear friends, Scott and Julie Kaylor.  Julie has a talent for anything artistic, and she was kind to share her pictures from the weekend.  Here's a short description of our trip:

Sleep kept Luke occupied on all 4 flights.   We joined the other plane passengers in being thankful that this little guy takes sleep seriously.

Here's a shot of the city as seen from the Kaylors' hotel room.  

One of my very best friends, Julie Kaylor, and her husband, Scott, drove in from Phoenix, AZ  to visit and enjoy the city with us.  It had been entirely too long since we'd seen these friends! We're still hoping to settle down somewhere close to them one day. 

Julie was constantly snapping photos, and she caught some great ones of our little guy.

Much time was spent here at Seaport Village, as it was located next to the hotel that hosted Paul's convention, and it conveniently had a great selection of food... if you're okay with pigeons flying toward your head while you're eating.  

We thought this kite was so awesome until we noticed nails holding it down to the ground....

So seals might have been a highlight of this trip.  I prefer to call them ocean slugs, as that's more how they seemed to act.  They might not be as pretty as the ones we see at our zoos, but where else have you seen seals allow people to get so close to them?

(Had to post a video of these guys...)

Our only regret of the trip was that we didn't get a chance to tour the USS Midway.  Here's Luke admiring the historical significance of this boat from shore.

Based off of the suggestion of some friends, we spent some time at Balboa Park.  We enjoyed the exercise and the chance to talk to parrots- one of whom was deeply offended that we called him a parrot.

(This guy was juggling a chainsaw at Balboa Park.  Good thing there was a convention hosting hundreds of facial surgeons while he did this, as he might have needed them!)

Luke loves his "Uncle" Scott and "Aunt" Julie!  He thinks Scott is a natural with babies!!  

Another highlight of the trip:  Coronado Island.  This was Luke's first trip to the beach, and let's just say that sand excites Luke much more than any "mere" ocean...


(Here's Luke venturing out to sea.  Maybe the warm Atlantic beaches will better suit him down the road...)

What a great trip!  Thanks for sharing the pictures, Julie!  

1 comment:

  1. Oooh...she is a talented photographer!!! I love those pics! Been to San Diego ourselves for a family wedding. Isn't Coronado Beach gorgeous? We spent about three days there a few years back.
